
. She played with my kids when they were young, well, sometimes. None of the neighborhood kids liked Jenny. So usually she played alone. Jenny was always … different. Rebellious and angry right from the start, she cussed. She hated. She bullied everyone in sight. She seemed happiest when she succeeded at making someone elseContinue reading “Jenny”


My longtime friend, almost 20 years … we’ve been through a lot of life on Planet Earth in those 20 years … for all but one of them I knew my friend as a male. We were always actual genuine friends [not wink, wink, “friends“]. Not sexually interested in one another. It was one ofContinue reading “*Trans”

Day of Rest

I took a much-needed day of rest today, first one in longer than it should have been. Able to clear my head of worldly busy-ness I found this occupying that holy space inside my soul today. Inviting you to join me in song. Or just listen.